
Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to supporting the promise and professional development of Trainees in Vaccinology.

  • Raise funding (via grant applications & donations for Awards)
  • Responsible for reviewing applications to assist with travel expenses for Trainees to participate in ISV congresses.
  • Recognize research achievements of Trainees via presenter prizes.

Dedicated to identifying and recommending outstanding ISV members for a variety of awards and honours.

Linda Klavinskis
King’s College London
Annaliesa Anderson
Ed Rybicki
University of Cape Town
Xavier Saelens
VIB-University of Ghent
David Weiner
Wistar Institute
Margaret Liu
ProTherImmune and Karolinska Institute
Dr Barbara Felber
National Cancer Institute(NCI), USA

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:

Finance & Governance

Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to providing advice for best financial practices and governance, in line with the ISV Constitution.

  • Review ISV annual Congress-related expenses and contracts
  • Review annual financial activities and tax declaration of ISV
  • Propose codes of conduct to help ascertain the accomplishment of ISV’s mission and values
Lakshmi Krishnan
National Research Council, Canada (NRC)
Xavier Saelens
VIB-University of Ghent
Linda Klavinskis
King’s College London
Lenny Moise
Jeffrey Ulmer

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:

Audit Subcommittee

Xavier Saelens
VIB-University of Ghent (Chair)
Lakshmi Krishnan
National Research Council, Canada
Margaret Liu
ProTherImmune and Karolinska Institute

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:

Global Collaboration and Partnerships

Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to uniting the global community of vaccinologists

  • Engage and partner with vaccine groups globally.
  • Promote communication and collaboration among individuals and organizations who seek to innovate, develop, manufacture, and enhance vaccines.
  • Promote the development and use of vaccines to prevent and control infectious and non-infectious diseases in animals and humans.
  • Engage ISV Fellows to build and promote ISV.
Shan Lu
Worcester HIV Vaccine (Chair)
Denise Doolan
University of Queensland

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:


Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to providing guidance for professional development of Trainees in Vaccinology

  • Organize webinars from leaders in academia or biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies that spotlight leadership skills for career development.
  • Organize mentorship between trainees and scientists from academics, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies.
  • Provide opportunities to trainees for leadership and development of skills.
Jean Boyer
Agenta Therapeutics Inc
Michael Schotsaert
Ichan School of Medicine, Mount Sinai
Anna-Lise Williamson,
University of Cape Town
Neil Almond
Dr Barbara Felber
National Cancer Institute(NCI), USA

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:

Outreach and Public Engagement

Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to promoting vaccine awareness and education, community engagement and participation. We serve as a bridge between science, policy, and the public.

  • Active presence in social media platforms
  • Organizing global webinar series
  • Bi-monthly newsletters
  • Responsible for paper of the month (POM) where a scientific paper is recognized by the society.
  • Responsible for paper of the year (POY) where the most impactful vaccine related scientific paper is recognized by the society.
  • Interviews with healthcare professionals and policymakers
  • Highlighting vaccine related topics for both professionals and the public
Lars Frelin
Karolinska Institute (Chair)
Sita Awasthi
University of Pennsylvania
Megan Polidano
Ted Ross
Cleveland Clinic
Ed Rybicki
University of Cape Town
Branka Grubor
University of Adelaide
Martin Beukema
University of Groningen

Early Career Researcher Committee Members:

Vaccine Industry Interaction

Committee Purpose:

Dedicated to developing a donation and sponsorship program to ensure sustainability of our society.

  • Develop partnership packages for various stakeholders.
  • Ensure active industry participation in our programming.
  • Support initiatives valued by our stakeholders.
Manon Cox
NextWaveBio (Chair)
Danilo Casimiro
Shan Lu
Worcester HIV Vaccine
Jeffrey Ulmer
David Weiner
Wistar Institute
Linda Klavinskis
King’s College London
Jessica Price
Astra Zeneca
The International Society for Vaccines is an organization that engages, supports, and sustains the professional goals of a diverse membership in all areas relevant to vaccines and immunotherapeutics.  The ISV is a global not-for-profit organization that aims to encourage, establish, and promote the development and use of vaccines to prevent and control infectious and non-infectious diseases in animals and humans.  /  ISV Annual Congress