ISV Specialty Congresses

SV COVID-19 Virtual Series

Description: The International Society for Vaccines (ISV) launched a virtual congress series as the leading platform for key COVID‐19 vaccine developers to share their progress and for the global vaccine community to contribute their collective wisdom so the entire global community can enjoy the benefits of vaccine protection. ISV organized 4 virtual congresses in 2020 which included presentations by 12 leading developers of COVID-19 vaccines.  A 5th Congress was held in 2021 which included 4 vaccine developers with EUA approval and a special session from the US CDC on vaccine safety.

Title:  First ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  June 22, 2020

Introduction/Chairs/Moderator:  Shan Lu (ISV), Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Margaret Liu, (ISV) David Weiner (ISV)

Speakers:  Kwok-Yung Yuen (The University of Hong Kong), Nick Jackson (CEPI), Kate Broderick (Inovio Pharmaceuticals), Barney Graham (VRC/NIAID/NIH), Sarah Gilbert (University of Oxford), Tao Zhu (CaSino Biological) Peter Openshaw (Imperial College London), Stanley Perlman (University of Iowa), Stanley Plotkin (VaxConsult)

YouTube Recording:  Click Here 

Title:  Second ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  July 21, 2020

Introduction/Chairs/Moderator:  Shan Lu (ISV), Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Denise Doolan (ISV), Manon Cox (NextWaveBio/ISV), Stanley Perlman (University of Iowa)

Speakers: Larry Corey (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), Marion Gruber (US FDA),

Greg Glenn (Novavax), George Gao (China CDC), Hanneke Schuitemaker (J&J/Janssen), Kena Swanson (Pfizer), Bart Haagmans (Erasmus University), Vincent Munster (RML/NIH), Linda Saif (The Ohio State University)

Program:  Click Here 

YouTube Recording:  Click Here

Title:  Third ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  August 25, 2020

Introduction/Chairs/Moderator:  Shan Lu (ISV), Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Xavier Saelens (ISV), Anna-Lise Williamson (ISV), Margaret Liu, (ISV)

Speakers: Myron Cohen (UNC-Chapel Hill), Lynda Stuart (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) Keith Chappell (The University of Queensland), John Shiver (Sanofi-GSK)Jacqueline Miller (Moderna), Brian Ward (Medicago), Alessandro Sette (La Jolla Institute for Immunology), Michel Nussenzweig (The Rockefeller University), Neil Almond (NIBSC),

YouTube Recording:  Click Here

Title:  Fourth ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  February 10, 2021

Introduction/Chairs:  Shan Lu (ISV), Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Margaret Liu (ISV)

Speakers: Inna Dolzhikova (Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology), Sarah Gilbert (Oxford University/AZ), Kathrin Jansen (Pfizer), Jacqueline Miller (Moderna), Tom Shimabukuro (US CDC)

Program:  Click Here 

YouTube Recording:  Click Here

Title:  Fifth ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  April 27, 2021

Introduction/Chairs:  Shan Lu (ISV), Denise Doolan (ISV), Joon Rhee (ISV)

Speakers:  Jinbo Gou (CanSino Biological), Meng Li (Sinopharm CNBG) Weining Meng (Sinovac Biotech Co., Ltd.)

YouTube Recording:  Click Here 

Title:  Sixth ISV COVID-19 Vaccine Virtual Congress

Date:  May 25, 2021

Introduction/Chairs:  Shan Lu (ISV), Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Margaret Liu (ISV)

Speakers: Hanneke Schuitemaker (Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V.), Greg Glenn (Novavax, Inc.), Pei‐Yong Shi (U of Texas Medical Branch), Mariana Castells (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)

YouTube Recording:  Click Here 

North America Influenza Vaccine Symposium


The International Society for Vaccines (ISV), along with the University of Georgia Center of Vaccines and Immunology, hosted a Virtual Congress dedicated to Influenza Virus Vaccines. Leading researchers and developers across North America shared their research progress on their current vaccine programs toward the goal of developing universal influenza vaccines.

Title:  North America Influenza Vaccine Symposium

Date:  December 2nd, 2020

Introduction/Chairs/Moderator:  Ted Ross (ISV), Shan Lu (ISV), Tony Moody (Duke University), Florian Krammer (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

Speakers: George Georgiou (University of Texas), Kathleen Neuzil (University of Maryland), Andreas Handel (University of Georgia), Nicholas Heaton (Duke University), Lara Mahal (University of Alberta), Elaine Reed (University of California, Los Angeles)

YouTube Recording:  Click Here

Building Confidence in Covid-19 Vaccination

A Toolbox of Talks from Leaders in the Field

Description:  The International Society for Vaccines (ISV) in collaboration with MJH Life Sciences hosted a Virtual Webinar on vaccine hesitancy and how to build confidence in COVID-19 vaccination.  The Webinar focused on the root causes of vaccine hesitancy, from the psychology of decision-making and messaging to strategies for boosting vaccine confidence on the front lines and among at-risk populations.

Title:  Building Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccination:  A Toolbox of Talks from Leaders in the Field

Date:  March 9, 2021

Chairs:  Linda Klavinskis (ISV), Denise Doolan (ISV), Margaret Liu (ISV)

Speakers: Heidi Larson (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Marie Brown (Rush Medical College), Wolfgang Gaissmaier (University of Konstanz), Samantha Artiga (Kaiser Family Foundation)

Webinar Site:  Click Here

YouTube Recording:  Click Here

The International Society for Vaccines is an organization that engages, supports, and sustains the professional goals of a diverse membership in all areas relevant to vaccines and immunotherapeutics.  The ISV is a global not-for-profit organization that aims to encourage, establish, and promote the development and use of vaccines to prevent and control infectious and non-infectious diseases in animals and humans.  /  ISV Annual Congress